

National Service Committee was launched in the year 1959-60 under the chairmanship of Dr. C. D. Deshmukh, had recommended that National Service for a period of 9 months to a year should be made compulsory before a student enters the university or employment. The Saiyidain committee (1961) Appointed by the ministry of education did not favour compulsion and recommended National or Social Service for a minimum period of 12 weeks on a voluntary basis. The National Service Scheme was launched in 1969. It aims at the involvement mainly of undergraduate students on a voluntary basis in various activities of social serviced and national development which while making a contribution to socio-economic progress would also provide opportunities to the students to understand and appreciate the problems of the communities, awaken social consciousness and inculcate in them sense of dignity of labour. There has been a great deal of enthusiasm among the students in various programmers taken up under the scheme. At the same time, there has been a demand from several quarters that opportunity should be provided to the youth going out of the universities and colleges to engage themselves on a whole time basis for a specific period in activities of social and national service. Some attempts in this direction have been made in some states during last few years.


The National Service Scheme (NSS) was evolved and introduced by the Government of India in the year 1969. It aims at developing amongst students a sense of participation in nation building through Social Work. This deepens understanding of the social environment and enriches his/her personality through actual participation in day-to-day life of the society. This process of learning is not only a desirable supplement to the classroom education but develops in the student a sense of responsibility, tolerance and cooperation. The N.S.S plays a vital role in the development of the latent aspects of the student's personality. Since the establishment of N.S.S unit in the College in 2013-14, the NSS unit has been functioning with full vigor and enthusiasm.


The aim of the NSS is Education through community service.


The motto is not Me but Thou.

Overall Objectives

The overall objective is education. Service to the community is the activity through which this objective is attained.

Specific Objective

1. To arouse social consciousness of the students by providing them opportunities to work with and among the people.

2. To develop an awareness and knowledge of social realities to have concern for the well being of the community and engage in creative and constructive social action.

3. To provide with rich and meaningful educational experiences to them in order to make their education complete and meaningful.

4. To develop skill needed in the exercise of democratic leadership and programme development to help them get self-employed.

5. To give them the opportunities for their personality development.

Unit Level Organization

There are two units of N.S.S in the college under the charge of one programme officers. Student members are admitted into any one unit, so that each and every student gets a chance to work under the N.S.S.

The N.S.S of this College involves active participation of the Principal, college advisory committee, the teachers, students, governmental /non-governmental departments or agencies, local institutes and other beneficiaries.

Obligation of an NSS volunteer

Every N.S.S volunteer is expected to engage himself in N.S.S activities for 240 hours inclusive of a special camp for 10 days duration during a period of 2 academic years. All N.S.S volunteers will be provided with a work diary to record their details of work done. All outgoing volunteers are issued an NSS certificate by the state cell. The N.S.S unit of this college present an award to the best outgoing student volunteer every year.

Benefits of Joining N.S.S.

The NSS offers a wonderful opportunity to use a part of spare time to empathise and help the poor and the under privileged fellow countrymen living in slums and villages.

1. It provides the volunteers with an opportunity to train themselves as the future leaders and decision makers of the country.

2. It provides training to equip the volunteers with the minimum necessary skills to carryout programmes.

3. It provides with opportunities to take part in inter-collegiate / inter-university / inter- state camps and exchange ideas with students from other colleges / universities / states.


The NSS indulges in a wide range of activities, which includes the regular activities and the special camping programme.

Regular activities

1. Blood detection camps, blood donation etc.

2. Campus cleaning.

3. Celebration of important days.

4. Orientation camps.

5. Participation of students in various seminars conducted all over the state.

6. Various cultural activities aiming at personality development of students.

7. Raising of funds for various altruistic activities.